Thursday, May 13, 2021

Why should Teachers know more Online Teaching Tools?

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Digital Learning is replacing traditional educational methods, strategies, and techniques more and more each day. Nowadays, classrooms are changing rapidly, so as teachers, the best is to start thinking about newer teaching and learning approaches based on digital teaching and learning tools and technologies.
Making virtual learning or distance learning work for all students is challenging. Teachers can have all the best tools in place, but without equitable access at home for all your students and adequate training... it's tough to replicate a traditional, in-person learning experience.
These tools enable students to develop effectively self-directed learning skills. They can identify what they need and want to learn increasing their productivity. Besides engaging students, online and digital tools sharpen critical thinking skills which are necessary to develop analytic reasoning. Students can use their own creativity and logical thinking instead of memorizing texts.
This blog intends to help teachers set up an effective virtual learning environment either adapting the existing curriculum or designing a brand-new one from the ground up.

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