Sunday, May 16, 2021


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Gamification is "the use of game mechanics and experience design to digitally engage and motivate people to achieve their goals" (Gartner, 2014). It covers structural gamification (game mechanics) and content gamification (experience design) and highlights the importance of engagement and driving motivation. 

Gamification builds learner engagement, helps to change perceptions and attitudes. Also, it develops skills through a practical, applied, and thoroughly hands-on approach to learning. There are some benefits of gamification such as:

  • Makes Learning Fun and Interactive: Gamification can help teachers create exciting, educational, and entertaining content. It is not meant to turn work into a game, but it does play on the psychology that drives human engagement.
  • Creates an Addiction to Learning: When our brain wants to reward us, it releases dopamine into our bodies, so when we win a game or achieve something important to us we feel good.
  • Gives Learners the Opportunity to see Real-World Applications: Gamification allows learners to see the real-world applications and benefits of the subject matter. They are able to get a first-hand look at how their choices within the game result in consequences or rewards.
  • Offers Real-Time Feedback: Gamification allows students to work towards real-time, measurable, meaningful targets, and get upper-ñevel feedback as those targets are achieved.
  • Gamification enhances Learning Experience.

Gamification offers the opportunity for learners to engage with content in an effective, informal learning environment. If learners get excited about learning, they are more likely to retain information.

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