Google Classroom


 Google Classroom enables teachers to create an online classroom area in which they can manage all the documents that their students need. Files are stored on Google Drive and can be edited in Drive's apps. such as Google Docs, Sheets, and so on. But what separates Google Classroom from the regular Google Drive experience is the teacher/student interface, which Google designed for the way teachers and students think and work.


 What does Google Classroom do?

  • Make assignments: The main thing you, as the teacher, will do with Google Classroom is making homework assignments for your students. When you create an assignment, you can upload the necessary documents for the students to read or work on. Students receive e-mail notifications of new assignments. The students "turn in" the assignments when finished, and you can then grade the assignments.
  • Make announcements: If you have a quick announcement for the entire class, you can quickly type in the announcement, e-mailed it to all your students in the class.
  • Store classroom materials: The materials you add to an assignment aren´t the only documents you can store. You can store any other necessary files for students on Google Drive.
  • Allow students to interact: Students have the ability to comment on assignments and announcements, as well as e-mail other through the classroom interface.

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